To prevent menu bloat and conflicts, not all features of the Widget Options plugin are enabled by default or upon activation of the plugin. As a user, you will need to enable the features you need.
Features that are not enabled for the FREE version: #
1. Move Widget
2. Live Widget Search
3. Widget Area Options
4. Import & Export Widgets
5. SiteOrigin Pagebuilder Support
6. Elementor Pagebuilder Support
7. Beaver Builder Support
8. Advanced Custom Fields Support
Features that are not enabled for the PREMIUM version: #
1. URL & Wildcards Restrictions
2. Clone Widget
3. Widget Cache
How to enable features? #
To enable the features, navigate to your WP website’s backend > Settings > Widget Options and click the Enable button of the feature you wish to enable. Click the Learn More button to learn more about the feature.
How To Enable Features That Are Not Enabled by Default? #