NEW: Widget Options Is Now Integrated with Gutenberg Widgets and Page/Post Blocks!

Widget Options introduces two powerful new features: integrating with the Gutenberg Block Widget Editor for seamless customization and extending support for Gutenberg Blocks in Pages, Posts, and other custom post types! Additionally, we’ve fulfilled a common user request by adding the ability to filter URLs by Slug Containing Keyword. Let’s explore these features and discover how they can elevate your website’s functionality. Gutenberg Block Widget […]

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NEW: Display your widget on specific author pages AND date range regardless of year

Version 5.0.0 is here! This version allows for: Show/Hide Widget on Author Pages The new User Roles Restriction feature allows users to manage widget visibility and restrict them per defined user roles on your WordPress site. You can show or hide widgets for members-only pages or serve different sidebar contents on guest visitors.  With the release of v5.0.0, User Roles Restriction now has the capability […]

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Widget Options now Supports ACF Conditions for Widgets, Elementor, and Beaver Builder plus More Updates

Another update has sailed! These updates are for Extended Widget Options 4.6 and Free Widget Options 3.7. First of all, let me thank you all for the continuous love and support. As of this writing, the plugin has more than 1,000 5-star ratings and 60,000+ active installations. I really do appreciate your feedbacks and reviews that led Widget Options to be one of the top plugins. […]

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Widget Options Affiliate Program Is Now Open for Registration

Attention, Widget Options users! We are finally launching our affiliate program. Yes, it’s here and it’s now. Become a Widget Options Affiliate today. Promote the plugin to your circles, so you can earn cash for every successful sale you refer. I’m sure this is what you’ve been waiting for. You’ve been using Widget Options and have proven what this plugin can do to manage your […]

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Guide: Using Widget Options to Manage Beaver Builder Modules to the Next Level!

This post is a complete guide on how to fully manage your Beaver Builder Elements on your website using Widget Options for WordPress. This is another page builder support, in addition to the ones for Elementor and SiteOrigin. Ever since the development of this new Beaver Builder feature for Widget Options, I have been really excited to bring it out, so let’s not wait any […]

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Introducing WordPress Widget Options Import & Export Feature! Create Widgets Backup and more, available for FREE!

It’s finally here and it’s for FREE: The WordPress Widget Options Importer & Exporter feature. You can now create widgets backup. This means you can download both active and inactive widgets from one of your sites. Also, upload them into another without getting a separate plugin. Widget Options is now capable of exactly doing these with its latest feature. In addition, you can create back […]

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The New Widget Options Support for Elementor Widgets is now Available!

Almost a year ago, I published Pagebuilder by SiteOrigin Widgets on Steroids. Now, I’m very excited to tell you that Extended Widget Options now also provides management solutions for Elementor widgets. This new beta feature that supports Elementor Pagebuilder is also available on the plugin’s free and extended version. Elementor is growing fast. This page builder is loved by lots of users. That includes me, […]

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Introducing Move Widget: New Way to Manage your WordPress Widgets

Introducing Move Widget – a brand new way to manage your WordPress widgets easily. With this new feature, you can now have an alternative and better way to move widgets around. Together with Clone WordPress Widgets, I’m very happy to introduce the better widget management release for Widget Options. Don’t get me wrong, I love the “widget drag & drop” feature. However, when you use […]

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Introducing Clone Widget: Easily Duplicate WordPress Widgets

The latest version of Extended Widget Options ( version 4.3 ) now has clone widget capability. It enables you to duplicate WordPress widgets seamlessly. Thus, it allows your workflow to be better and easier. Read on to find out more about this feature. Moreover, find out how it can change the way you manage WordPress widgets. This is one of the highlights of Widget Options’ […]

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Widget Options Now Lets You Create Sliding Panels and more!

Just when you thought that sticky widgets have done an awesome job to your sites, here comes another add-on to Widget Options. Recently, we have announced the new additional premium add-on – the Modal Pop-Up and Sliding Widgets. Now, the long wait is over! This add-on that lets you turn widgets into sliding panels and more is here! It’s now available for download. Just click […]

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