Completely Manage WordPress Widgets with Extended Widget Options, now version 4.0!

After months of development, we are very excited to announce the Extended Widget Options version 4.0! This is the biggest plugin release so far with lots of features added and revamp settings page based on iThemes Security Plugin settings, which I fell in love with at first sight because of its user-friendliness.

To make your WordPress widget restriction and management better, version 4.0 includes major enhancements and features below.

WordPress Widget Animation

Add entrance animations to your WordPress widgets easily using this brand new feature. Make it more modern by making each widget animate when they enter the screen when user scrolls the page. Control the animation speed, offset, and delay to make them more eye-pleasing to your readers.

Click here if you want to learn more about this feature.

Sticky / Fixed WordPress Widgets

Create an eye candy element on your site by adding sticky or fixed WordPress widgets. Make them more special that they will never leave your visitors’ sight even when scrolling.

Click here if you want to learn more about this feature.

Custom Widget Link

Need to link your features widget to the main page and you want the users to be redirected when they click anywhere on the widget area? This feature addition fits perfectly for you! You can also optionally make it open to new tab if you’re using external url and of course, add nofollow attribute to make it search-engine friendly. You’re welcome!

Click here if you want to learn more about this feature.

Sidebar and Widget Shortcode

Display your sidebar and widgets using shortcode anywhere on your site. You can easily reuse the widgets by copying the shortcode below the options and add them inside your page or post. Shortcode for sidebar is also available if you want to reuse all those widgets inside it.

Click here if you want to learn more about this feature.

Disable Widgets

Disable widgets that you don’t want to be displayed on widget dashboard area. Time to clean up those unnecessary and unused widget of yours!

Child Pages to Inherit Parent Widget Visibility

Requested by few customers, totally a time-saver if you want the child pages to inherit the parent’s widget visibility, so you won’t need to check them on the visibility widget options.

Page Builder by SiteOrigin Compatible

You can now use this plugin side by side with SO Pagebuilder for you to control and manage your widgets even more. From visibility restriction to styling and animations, you can use them all on your SiteOrigin widgets! The only options removed are the custom id because we don’t want to create conflicts and pages visibility because you’re using it on page builder and this option is useless. Others will work perfectly and integrated carefully. Happy page building!

Click here if you want to learn more about this feature.

Brand New Modular Settings Page

I’ve already mentioned that this was based on iThemes Security Plugin. You can now enable and disable any feature you want. If any of them will be useless on your site, easily removed it by clicking a button and it will automatically be removed on your widgets and at any instance on the front-end. Lots of settings and enhancements have been added for you to fully control each option.

See All Features or download free version

We are so excited for these brand new features and I hope you are, too! Version 4.0 is available now. Grab it today and completely manage your WordPress widgets.