Introducing Ultimate Guide: Optimizing WordPress Sidebars and Widgets for Better Traffic and Conversions — Free E-book

We believe that you as website designers and developers need to understand deeply the roles of sidebars and widgets in improving user engagement. It is a known fact that user engagement is the ultimate key to better traffic and conversions. In order to bring you insights that we think will be of great help in deciding how to work on optimizing WordPress sidebars, we have visited over 70 popular websites named by and We have discovered how these sites customize their pages with sidebars and widgets. Then, we have outlined the practices common among them in terms of layout of sidebars and widgets areas, widget occurrences, counts and types, and ad placements. You can use such insights that we have compiled in this e-book as guide to designing your own website by considering the benefits optimized sidebars and widgets can give.

A brief introduction to WordPress Sidebars and Widgets

We begin the book with basic concepts of WordPress sidebars and widgets from their general descriptions to roles and features. Furthermore, we discuss the common mistakes committed when deciding on the sidebar layout and content. In addition, we explain how those decisions go wrong and provide solutions based on the ideal characteristics of optimized sidebars.

Strategizing Widget Areas

Some of the 70 popular websites we have surveyed opt for no sidebar pages. They just designate widget areas instead, so we suggest solutions for optimizing widget areas as well. Majority of these websites choose to hide sidebars in some pages and show them in some. Such choice depends on factors that we also discuss in the book.

Tools for Optimizing WordPress Sidebars and Widgets

The ideas that we share on how to optimize sidebars and widgets are backed up by plugins that provide complete solutions to the common issues that badly affect user engagement. It’s important for you to realize that you can explore the many plugins available. Moreover, it’s a must to learn of their features that will benefit your websites.

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